I don't have my brothers humor. My elder brother... he can seriously be hilarious. Sometimes i try but it's thick and tacky. I don't have his type of friends either.
I don't have my younger sister's cute face (i don't think she has such a cute face, for me she looks more like a deamon, but everyone else says so).
I stopped making so much effort at school and my parents got from me less than what they expected and were used to. My siblings started from down low so it was easier for them. I hated hearing my mom going on about how proud she was of my sister being first of her class in math and my father about how my brother's french teacher worshiped him. I became and still am the black sheep of the family.
I'm a slug. I eat my pains away and hate sports but i'm not really fat. I hate doing nothing on Saturday so i plan outings with my friends but i'm always too lazy to force myself to get out.
I'm allergic to evreything living on this planet i'm always snirfing and sneezing.
My eyes are unequal.
I pretend i don't give a shizzle about what people think of me but i'm always speaking loudly, desperate for someone to notice me. If i say nothing people forget about me so i make efforts to be seen but it's sounds fake. Pretending not to care.
Among my friends I'm the joyful one but that's only because i never dare telling them about my pains. My brother leaving for the other side of the world next year.
I don't need to study to have acceptable grades, i don't need to move to stay fit. I don't need to do anything, everything is at my reach, so i do nothing and my life is so dull.
I have everything and i'm complaining.